Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Your Nobody Called Today

The person making this argument is a Texan who is a Democrat, hence the name In The Pink Texas (By Eileen Smith). I believe this blog is directed towards other Texas citizens. This article definitely showed a lot of opinions. Opinions that are definitely more liberal than conservative. This definitely affects the audience because I doubt that a lot of republicans would be interested in reading this blog. 

The basic argument of this blog boils down to the fact that this person believes that Governor Rick Perry should not run for president. The author believes that mainstream Republicans would not vote for Perry and also that America is not ready for another Texan because basically Perry is the same as Bush.  

This article is not supported by any evidence at all; it is just opinion based and the author’s own biased thoughts and beliefs. This short statement shows it all “I have faith that mainstream Republicans are not going to vote for a fringe candidate who advocates for prayer and fasting over actual policy solutions, calls himself a prophet, hints at secession, hangs out with evangelical haters, and executes innocent people for fun. (Fine, maybe they’d be OK with that last one.)” 

This article is successful in the fact that it clearly states the author’s opinions and this author is successful at staying true to their opinion. However, as far as evidence goes, it is not successful since it does not show any evidence for that matter that supports their opinions. It also makes huge (offensive in some people’s eyes) statements towards Perry. 

I personally do not have a huge view on this topic so I would not agree nor disagree at this point. This article did not sway my opinion in any way or persuade me to side with them or not side with them. I can appreciate the strong minded opinions however. 

As far as political significance goes, I do really believe it has any. This article also does not make a difference in my understanding of how the political world works. This also has no effect on who wins and who loses in the political process. All it is, is a Texan citizen who is using their constitutional right to speak about their own opinions and beliefs when it comes to politics, and there is nothing wrong with that.

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